Monday, April 9, 2007

The Lady and the Unicorn, SMART Assignment 1

Interview with Nicolas Des Innocents

Q: How did you feel when you first saw Claude?
A: I felt that I had seen something not real, like an illusion. I had never seen a girl like that pretty before. I wondered why I have never seen her. My heart started to pound when she first came into my sight.

Q: Where did you get the idea of the story of unicorns which you told to Claude and the maid?
A: My mom once told me the story. I was very little then. I didn’t like hearing about it but my mom kept on telling me and I regret that I didn’t listen to her carefully because every girl falls in love with me when they hear that story.

Q: Did you miss her too when you didn't see her for few days?
A: Of course I missed her. But I was busy drawing the designs so I didn’t have any time to think about her that much. I knew that Claude missed me so much and I was very happy with it.

Q: Did you decide to design unicorns just because Genevieve asked you to?
A: Well, yes. Partly. I could feel the sadness in her eyes and I wanted to do whatever she wanted. I also wanted to give a “present” to Claude who will be getting it later. Madame said that Claude like unicorns, so I thought it would be a perfect present.

Q: What do you think would have happened if someone else saw you and Claude under the table?
A: I knew that I would be in a big trouble. But I didn’t want to think much of it. There couldn’t have been a chance better than that to be alone with her.

Q: Weren't you scared you would lose your job being with a nobleman's daughter alone?
A: Of course I was! But as I said, I didn’t want to lose her. There was a big wall between us, but I wanted to make it disappear.

Q: Did you really think that your design was perfect?
A: Yes, I did in fact. I’ve put everything on the design as I could. I’ve never tried hard on my work. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t do my best on my other works, but I mean it was my best work out of all.

Q: Do you think you really fell in love with Claude? Or is it just because she is pretty?
A: It is true that I like pretty girls. But this time, I think it’s much different from other girls. I think I really fell in love with her. And she is also pretty.

Q: Do you think you can handle designing the tapestries which you have never done before?
A: I like to challenge knew things, and I would never let myself fail. Master and Leon seemed to be satisfied with my works so far, so I don’t have any problems on that.

Q: Why did you put Claude and Genevieve in your designs?
A: It was Madame who asked me to draw the unicorns so I put her on one of the drawings. I wanted Claude to know that I cared for her and Madame told me that later, Claude would have it.

1 comment:

Bryan Munson said...

Well done, Sarah. You capture the flavor of the novels very well!